

There is a key, a gift…- '...“At this juncture, would you love to further (despite the trials) or surrender (to this trials)?”'

There is a key, a gift, which is so efficacious when it comes to life situations. If you’ve got this key, I can guarantee you have no worries and in fact, may require just a little push if you would need any. Perseverance is the key to longevity and prosperity; It keeps you in the race with an assurance for the fulfillment of your desires.

Someone told me few weeks ago, “it’s not how fast, it’s how far.” Many at times, things done in a twinkle of an eye diminishes in value easily because it could only stand the test of efforts and intelligence, leaving out how much you can wait for what you truly desire (not standing the test of time).

The difference between a duplex and a skyscraper is striking! The construction of both requires expertise. However, a duplex do not take as much time to construct as a sky scrapper. The latter demands expertise laced with patience without a shift of focus; that is what it takes to persevere! If you’ve got a skyscraper kind of a dream; big, huge, massive, magnificent… there is no need to tremble and waver in your beliefs, all you have to do is plan, work, and wait without losing focus; perseverance is the key!

You must have a firm grip on your goals, putting up with what some may tag “irritating.” To achieve massively, get ready to persevere effectively. Perseverance is holding on without losing hope, working hard without losing vigor, in pursuit of your desired outcome.

Some situations at some point pose the question; “At this juncture, would you love to further (despite the trials) or surrender (to this trials)?” What distinguishes the former option from the latter is the ability to persevere. Perseverance never succumbs to despair. Instead, it gives an advanced vivid image of the desired result just to keep one in the race; it’s the fuel that keeps the fire of commitment glowing.
When you adopt perseverance, you are immunizing yourself against despair and invigorating yourself with passion. With perseverance, you are success-prone and failure-proven!
There is no gift that is better and more comprehensive than patience (perseverance).”- Sahih Bukhari.
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