

HAPPINESS “made by me”-"...just a reason from within can guarantee a lifelong happiness and enthusiasm"

Ever wondered why some bedridden patient smiles and an abled person wears a frown? Why the bereaved laugh, the handicapped giggle, a widow chortles, an orphan chuckles? Here is the clue; our mood is not a reflection of possessions, status or personality, ordeals... The products of our decision is what we display. You decide either to be happy or sad!

Either a widow may choose to reminisce the death of her husband forever or better still convince herself to get over the huge loss. A beggar may either choose to live with regret or look around and give himself reasons to be glad. That emotionally destabilized fellow could be happy again if he believes his gloomy mood stems not from his low grades but his decision... Happiness is from within.

It takes a strong determination to look far and wide just to pick reasons to be happy. However, isn’t it worth it? Millions of persuasion to initiate happiness in just one sad fellow could end up a waste. However, just a reason from within can guarantee a lifelong happiness and enthusiasm. Get it right! You are the brain behind your happiness! “People are just happy as they make up their minds to be.”- Abraham Lincoln

I understand there could be a wide range of whatsoever reasons tempting you to frown and you may even be emotionally fragile, consequently drawing into your shells owing to a yell, insult or assault. It’s alright still. It’s not hard to learn to bounce back to a happy mood anytime you are down or depressed, it may only take a while. One of the simplest way to stay happy is letting go of the things that makes you sad”- Daily Dose. Let go and learn to be happy again!

The harsh words, scornful looks, hate reactions, bad weather, friend loss… can never beat your rooted decision to be glad.  “If you want to be happy, be”- Leo Tolstoy. You are the architect! You are in charge!  Be Happy!

Have a happy week!                                                              
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