

PATIENCE IS THE PANACEA!- "...chewing date seeds boosts men fertility."


Someone hinted me sometimes ago that chewing date seeds boosts men fertility. Get it right; it is the seed, not the fruit. That info, to me, sounded like a mystery begging for demystification. How would someone do such? Why would anyone place something that hard between his jaws to chew? Right at that spot, some guys tried to have bites but were defeated by this small seed. Perhaps, because they gave up just too soon. Seeds are always hard, date seed is not an exception either. In fact, its hardness, I think, has a plus compared to those of oranges, apples and the likes.

However, as hard as it is, realistically, it can be manually grind, even to a powdery form with the teeth. That can only be possible if patience is employed anyway. You don’t reap immediately after sowing; you water, trim, prune and probably, weed before harvest. You have to exercise patience; you have to wait!

Patience is a virtue. Virtually, everyone knows that. Fortunate is whosoever is blessed with this often enjoined character. There are loads of benefits to enjoy. So many goodies await the patient ones; name it! Patience goes a long way; it is never in excess that a translated Yoruba adage says: "patience can soften a hard stone".

With a therapeutic effect so overwhelming; ranging from faith uplift to lessened anxiety. A patient person rarely gives up on anything. Yet, has stress free and peaceful mind all to him(her)self. Check out the profile of the pious and successful ones, they exemplified this character jealously. Afterwards, they were granted something tangible to show for it.

Logically, it is not all about just getting the seed. Instead, it is the perseverance displayed in crunching it into bits despite how taxing it is. As well as the patience exercised, which makes one continue until it is good enough for swallowing for it to bring about the intended therapeutic effect. Patience is not restrained to this context. It behooves every other actions and scenarios as long as a better and more pleasing outcome is desired.

A patient being, despite eagerness, carries out all activities calmly. He gives himself enough space to meditate and think before embarking on every act. Must you always jump the gun too? Must you always be in a hurry?
Patient individuals rarely despair. They would rather wait as long as what they envisage is worth it. Why must you give up on your current run too? The time spent is not up to what is left. Give all it takes and crown with patience!

Cure yourself of “quitting syndrome” and get rid of restiveness too.

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