

WHICH OF THESE PREVENTS YOU FROM ANSWERING?- "It is actually voluntary; you respond if you want to or you do not!"

We are humans, uniquely and specially crafted by the Most High. It is indisputable that we are all innately talented, though exhibition of individual talents differ markedly. Many live up to their talents minimally; some do averagely while very few just cannot be stopped from maximally utilizing their talents. Do you wonder why?

It is quite fathomable that we are meant to differ in various ways. However, there is one thing that is exclusive to everyone, the “still inner voice”. This voice presents to you, ideas you never imagined until that moment. It discloses to you too, trail blazing techniques that you would affirmatively agree can turn the world around. It never lies! Of course, it does not! That’s why you value your instincts more than someone else’s opinion. It may only challenge your level of thinking before you appreciate its contributions.

Even if you are down with sickness and this voice says you are capable of making something happen, you wouldn’t want to doubt it. It is always there to motivate you to improve and improvise. Thence, in spite of your sickness, you are not barred from attending to the inevitably essentials with the little strength you have with so much enthusiasm.

If for so long or just recently, you have been disregarding this voice and discarding its disclosure, it could be due to one or more of the reasons below. Which of it do you think holds you back from honoring your still inner voice even after realizing how truthful and helpful its info could be?

There are lots of evidences on ground to prove that no one is going anywhere if he is scared of failure. With the most technical and logical ideas inside of you, you will always disregard this voice because you are afraid you may encounter your waterloo.

A vital propelling force to getting started and going at anything is the anticipation of success. If that is missing, you may never be able to conquer demotivation. When your inner voice instructs you to make a move and you are not certain how yielding it would be, you may never leave your current spot. Is it not better that you leave your comfort zone for elsewhere. The risk is always worth it and the first step to obeying your inner voice is to take a risk.

There is no better way to ruining the best of thoughts and running down the best of notions other than doubting them. If you do not trust yourself, whom would you trust? Is it that you cannot help criticizing your innate ideas, doubting its actualization and running down its feasibility? If you don’t act, probability of success is zero; if you really want to act, don’t doubt.

With knowledge, even the weirdest of options, you would never jilt. It may require that you enquire before you can appreciate that recurring idea. Else, you may end up classing it alongside the ‘not so important’ ones. Do you always feel your thoughts are not good enough? It may be because you do not know enough.

Ideas are spontaneous and you always stand the chance of enjoying this spontaneity as multiple ideas keep popping up continually. Often times, you are obsessed with all the ideas at the same time and you don’t know which one to start with. As days add up, you are still cuddling with multiple recurring voices in your head until it finally fades away. Just start with one of it! Else, you may lose all of it.

To act upon the orders of your still inner voice, you must shake off all taints of laziness. Assistance from anyone other than you is not feasible here, as no one shall know until you share. You can only share with folks after you might have successfully modify it to suit the ‘out of mind’ environment. There is no getting to this point if you do not wake up from your slumber and make your inner voice worth it. Your inner voice gives it to you raw. Do you process at all!

Should we say responding to your inner voice is a reflex action you can possibly learn? Maybe not. It is actually voluntary; you respond if you want to or you do not! The decision-making takes place in your head. In other words, you imagine it. In your imaginations, you envisage probable challenges that lies ahead and thence, may need to adopt the 3‘Ps’: Patience, Perseverance and Positivity. It is bizarre that some people cannot even persevere in their imaginations. Once they sense any hurdle, they give up on their million dollar worth idea, a thought initially admired.

All in all, not listening to your self is an infringement on your own rights. It could however mean you do not value your thoughts, ideas and inventions. You have to kick that habit. Do you not think you really need to? If you are not listening to and answering your inner voice, who should? If you do not listen and respond to yourself, who will?

See you soon …
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