


Do you wonder at all? Gifts have been trickling in in cash and kind all the while; we are even expecting more! Mosques, like never before attracts more people like it used to; we all know mosques are no tourist sites! The poor now beam like never before; we all know manna is not falling from heaven… accept my heart felt wishes for it’s never too late to say; RAMADAN MUBARAK!

The ‘trio’ are acts you already know. All you have to do now is go beyond knowing them, do beyond observing them averagely as every other person does … To make this Ramadan the best ever, you have to empower your daily trio:
1.      PRAYER
2.      CHARITY

These three acts are key features of Ramadan and I’m sure you’ve been giving as much as you could praying, giving and reciting. It’s high time you sped up!

You have been praying before this time, we know. In this Month, you should be ready to devote even more to your prayers. Ensure you observe your Fard (obligatory) prayers in time; nothing should hold you back from praying at the right time!

Revive your supererogatory (Sunnah and Nawafil) prayers this period. Your Taraweeh (Qiyamu layl) should be well observed (11 raka’at max). Give vigor to your prayers; Make your prayers lengthier without losing concentration, make your Qira’at clearer and superb. You will be losing nothing and be earning so huge.

“Whoever prays during the nights of Ramadan (Taraweeh) with a firm belief and hoping for reward, all of his previous sins would be forgiven.”- Prophet Muhammad

You should not be so busy that you forget to make enough supplications; make this Month worth a while! “Three supplications will not be rejected, the supplication of the parent for his child, the supplication of the one who is fasting, and the supplication of the traveler.”

CHARITY (Cash and Kind)
“He who breaks the fast of another fasting person shall earn a reward equivalent to the fasting person without detracting from the reward of the latter. Allah gives this reward even to those who give a sip of milk to a fasting man.”- Prophet Muhammad.

Ramadan is just a month out of twelve; do not forget! Maximize this period! In my school masjid, students race to break their colleague’s fast. There, date fruits and others collude just because the smart ones want to earn multiple rewards for the day. You can do it too!

Walk to a nearby Masjid and drop some “date fruits” and other things you can afford. If they do not consume it that day, they definitely will some other day before the Month runs out. Let the poor and less privileged feel your empowerment scheme; give, give… do not stop!

Give out charity in kind this Ramadan as well. It is so true you may feel so stressed and dehydrated at some point. However, do not avert your anger on nearby folks. Don’t squint your face or become aggressive because you can’t wait to see the sun set. We all know the sun rose and set yesterday; today will not be different. Imbibe Patience!
“Fasting is half of patience…”-Abu Haamid Al-Ghazaali

Common! You know smiling is a form of charity and you still go about wearing a frown? Smile more and be rewarded in manifolds! Render assistance to those who need it; volunteer to be a part of an Iftar Team… Think up wonderful ways you can be useful for The Deen this Ramadan. Empower your Charity: You have all it takes to be smarter!

Ten rewards for each letter in the Qur’an are certain outside Ramadan. Imagine how multiplied it would be now! Sure, you have been reciting before now. Even if you haven’t, now is the best time to cultivate the habit. You should not have any other bosom friend this period other than your Qur’an. Recite more of the Words of Allah; I suggest you have a routine and stick to it.

What about reciting it for a stipulated duration every hour or every three hours (choose a convenient one)? You may want to stick to reciting it for thirty minutes or more after every obligatory prayer. You may want to go by number of pages, Juz or Hizb. Whichever method you adopt, be consistent.

Bear in mind that the Qur’an was revealed this month; a worthwhile reason you should befriend it more this period. “It is the Month of Ramadan that the Qur’an was revealed as a guidance for Mankind…” [Surah Al-Baqarah (2):185]

Be outstanding this time; don’t just read the Qur’an, contemplate on its meanings! It’s not how fast, it is how fair! Don’t join the team of competitors that say ‘let’s see the fastest’ at the expense of your calmness and concentration. You are reciting to please Allah, not to beat your friends. Move fast at your own pace; you can finish the Qur’an this Month at your own pace. Be determined! Be empowered!

“It is a Book We have revealed to you abounding in good that they may ponder over its verses, and that those endowed with understanding may be mindful.” [Surah Sad (38):29]

Parting Words:
I’m glad you made it and even more glad because I can deduce you want to make this Ramadan your best ever. the clock The best thing you can do to make yourself feel fulfilled this year is to record a Ramadan that beats the previous ones. Make it happen!
                                                       Photo credit: Shuttrerstock

Let me know if you truly benefit from this piece. Your contribution matters a lot; Drop it in the comment box below!
See you soon In Shaa Allah. As Salamu ‘Alaykum!

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