


How near is tomorrow that we select what we wish to wear a night before? That future we keep reiterating, how close are we to become “somebody in future” like we say often? How far are we from death that we still wish we are farther? How imminent is the Day of Recompense that every one often prays death should not play his role yet. “Definitely! We are sure of nothing. yet, we should still not be deterred from giving something”

Hope you are good and aiming to be better? What would have been better if not hankering for that which is better. A better notion, I shall be presenting to you; hope you find it beneficial.

You must have heard about “to-do list” an umpteen times. It’s actually a list of what you plan doing for a particular period, usually for a day. There are keys to penning down your list to ensure putting it to use, one of it is delineating your list of proposed activities according to priority. The most important tasks should be seated first before considering scribbling down those that are less and concluding with those of least importance. That is a to-do list!

What about a to-be list? Have you ever thought of those beautiful accomplishments you are eyeing that possibly would add to your hierarchy in whatsoever field you find yourself. Think of what you want to be ideally, what you have to be before becoming who you really want to be. Get a vivid image of where you would land inevitably before you proceed to where you desirously want to reside? 

These and some others will determine the length of your list as well your priorities. A to-be list is as important as a “to-do list”. You should have one too!

I’ll be back next week In Shaa Allah to conclude! Have a beautiful time as you challenge yourselves to own a list; you gotta win the challenge please!

Have a Golden week!

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