

MOTDEENVATION 101- "Islam is heart-warming, soul-cleansing, mind-soothing, body-calming, nerves-relieving, fear-alleviating and faith-elevating."

Man’s existence is not a function of his wish nor his decision; neither will his existence be dependent on his personal judgment. We are awesome products of an astonishing divine procedure: from blood clot to flesh until we finally become what is celebrated on arriving Dunya. The arrival of a new life has always been a blessing.

If inevitably, adversities fail to spare our sides and evils would not cease befalling our community, what kinds of thoughts should we nurse. If we truly believe, we must accept all things are working in our favor even if at a point in our lives, every blink paves way for a teary flow. Allah tests only those He loves. He makes evil befall those who seem to believe, to attest if their Iman is immune to filth indeed.

There is not even a thing to fear. Allah says He wouldn’t test us beyond our might. Whatever crosses our path are just perfect complements for our compositions and capabilities. Check out the biography of The Prophets, Companions and Salafs. They have excellently exemplified every aspect of human life, the rosy and rough. That is enough a proof that no occurrence is one of its kind as one or several of its kind already preceded.

Thence, the question is an open one just as the answer is overt too. How do we live to make our lives as well as our eternal leave count? That is not all! How do we shake off doubts to ensure well-secured decisions at various junctures? How do we learn to confront challenges and trials in spite of our innate weakness without losing out… our wealth, health, skills and quests in life, how do we handle each brilliantly without flopping. In addition, if we flop, are we not meant to rise above the water to beat limitations and defeat obstacles?

Islam is a religion of clues, a beacon of light and knowledge that illumines shady paths. This religion has answers to all questions and is immune to all sorts of query. It is pristine and enough a guide and guard to whosoever practices it with knowledge and sincerity. You need not worry at all. When the tiniest of challenges surfaces, think Islam. When the mightiest of storm strikes and you cannot but help your morale from dwindling, here is Islam ready to bail you out pangs of fears and sorrows.

The best friend of Allah, most honorable of Mankind whose fame beats that of any celebrity, activist or leader that ever lived, Prophet Muhammad was conferred the distinctive honor, being the first man granted the divine order to preach and spread Islam to the entirety of humankind. This Deen is not race restricted not color controlled; it is not ethnic exclusive nor gender governed; not personality programmed nor status structured. Islam is open to all and sundry. What a Blessing if you are already in the fold! Embrace this privilege if you are still contemplating!

You should agree that if man, out of whatsoever circumstance see no reason to be grateful and glad, attestation to Islam is enough a rekindler to an everlasting elation. Here is a creed that mandates that you love others as you love yourself. Should a Muslim then not be shielded from any aftermath of hate for his neighbors? Islam encourages that you visit the sick, not only your friends and relations; imagine that level of compassion. It is encouraged that your fellow in the Deen honor your invitations and you have to honor theirs too. There is no undermining the virtues of this Deen, Islam.

Islam is heart-warming, soul-cleansing, mind-soothing, body-calming, nerves-relieving, fear-alleviating and faith-elevating. It is not adulterated; it is unlike any of those religions with baseless origins and biased roots. Don’t you wonder what it demands in spite of her innumerable hat doffing benefits? It’s not an endless list; just Knowledge! You should know whom you serve and why you serve him, what He permits and forbids … That is the best way to ensure you are doing the exact thing.

You are undoubtedly an edge above your counterparts if Islamic jurisdictions prescribes and guides your actions. It takes faith, strength, devotion and determination to attain that height … It is good to know you are motivated. However, there is a better way to be ahead of your peers and be at the top of your game at all times. Let this Deen (Islam) manifest in all your actions and perceptions; you will be losing nothing and be gaining so huge… Be MotDeenvated!

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