

TODAY’S THIRST IS ANOTHER TEST TO DARE!- "...smiling nurses no longer chortle..."


Nigeria is on the verge of whatever you wish to call it; the atmosphere seems so unfavorable that everyone clamors for a better day. We had it better last year. So, what went wrong? Did we really have it fairer last year? Calculate the number of years diversification of economy has been brought to the table, has anything tangible been done about it? Instead, those elected to assist the course keep romancing with it and every other promising motions and bills.

Even a day old child knows that Nigerian citizens are thirsty because smiling nurses no longer chortle with them for long due to unpaid salaries. Every civil servant is on probation as retrenchment looms if oil price keeps dwindling. Do not mention the disparity in income as it keeps widening every blessed day. We are however being admonished every day, to keep the fire of hope glowing, to douse our faith not, for indeed, TODAY’S THIRST IS JUST ANOTHER TEST TO DARE…

Of course, there are some challenges, which are easy to scale through. Better still, you should not expect every encounter to be as smooth as you have always imagined; not all appealing cocktail drinks with a fruit at the cup edge tastes exactly how you want it.
Trust me! Whatever it is you are thirsty for this moment; that property you are hankering for, the grades you are striving to get and other wishes you would have loved to see yourself actualize, are just tests in guise that demand your efforts and dedications, your wits and tactics, before they all fall at your feet.
Is there any mean or way to get them all if you do not dare?
So, what are you thirsty for or craving? What is it you are longing to possess or acquire? Money, car, spouse, knowledge, child, grades…
That you do not have those things and you wish to, is the best reason to go after them: Dare! Strive!
Money? Think! Work!
Grades? Read! Rest! Revise!
Car? Work! Save!
House? Work! Plan! Save!
Spouse? Dare! Love! Share!
Remember to crown your efforts and strives with prayer and patience!

It may sound incredible. However funny, the truth is, the wealthy ones we point at today once saw poverty as a test and dared it by working harder. Not all wives got pregnant the first month after wedding; most mothers dared barrenness by not giving up until God granted them fruit of other the womb. The list is endless my Dear! The Eggheads everyone wants to reckon with today dared nothing other than ignorance; they read, passed, even failed at some point but did not give up until they became vast in their various fields.
Successful individuals you see today had never been complacent with their initial untaxing way of life. They saw their thirst for landslide accomplishments as a test, and they dared it; you can do it too!

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