


It’s very disheartening and uncalled for seeing anyone look so dejected and hopeless as if he has never experienced joy and peace in his life. The Prophet (SalaLlahu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam) knew how contagious frown and smile could be before admonishing us to smile, stating that it is a form of charity. Thence, he encouraged us to kick a habit that would not earn us a dime of reward and cultivate that which will guarantee an enormous one, equivalent to a charity.

 Should any Muslim be sad? Perhaps “Yes”, because no logical being expects a strictly “honey and sugar coated” moments through his lifetime, even the convener, of this Creed, was not happy through his life, he once wept and sobbed too. However, those remorseful states didn’t last for long as he will always resolve to thanking his Lord for whatsoever befell him afterwards. Reverse is the case today, as many people are encroached in sorrow that they are blindfolded to any act that may take it off them even if it is just for a while.

Should any Muslim be sad? Perhaps “No”, owing to the fact that many people have been enslaved by their predicaments and challenges because they see being sad and sober as the most appropriate response to trials. So many people see their ordeal as a dictator of their mood that they hardly beam. They have become captives of agony because of one challenge or another and thence, consider being happy a taboo. In a nut shell, ample of the population now abuse adversities; considering themselves as being hated and partially treated by their creator; expecting friends and folk to pity their condition, lend a hand and wipe their tears instead.

Allah won’t ask you to carry a load you cannot lift. He already promised He wouldn’t test you with what is beyond your capacity:
Allah does not impose upon any soul a duty but to the extent of its ability [Surah Al-Baqarah (2):286]

If there is any reason to expect intercession or seek intervention into your life matters. Do not look up to your family member, coworker or intimate friend. Don’t ever believe someone who has gone through what you are currently encountering is the best person to confide in. Allah is closer than you can ever fathom!
And when my servants ask you, [Oh Muhammad], concerning me- indeed I am near. [Surah Al-Baqarah (2):186]

Moreover, if you were almost losing out and contemplating on a thought you wouldn’t want your fellow in the Deen to hear about. Patience please! Imbibe it!
O ye who believe! Be patient and excel in patience and remain steadfast, and be careful of (your duty to) Allah, that you may be successful. [Surah Al-Imran (3):200]

Why must you conclude that things won’t get better. You wouldn’t pray that your condition become worse. Triumph is near. Await relief:
Verily, after hardship comes ease. [Surah Al-Inshirah (94):5]

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