



Those Arabs every Muslim parents want their children to emulate today, owing to the sacrosanct and Taqwa-primed lifestyle lived by them have an origin not so rosy. However, no one consider that shirk-brimmed past before deeming their present Godly characters worthy of emulation today. The past is long gone and forgotten! An ample of the Tribe was once idol worshippers but most people never knew let alone judge them by it because they have adopted that life-enhancing and more favorable lifestyle that resides in Islam. For who but Allah can forgive sins?... [Surah Al-Anaam (6):54].

Thence, in the State of Osun, acts of Shirk have not become a past yet. The practices of idol worships, its elaborate show off as well as extravagant sponsor is yet to make it to the book of history. From the Sango festival in Ede land to "Oke Iragbiji" where hills are being honored at Iragbiji. Olojo and Oro festival are peculiar to Ile-Ife. There is Isese festival in Osogbo. In Ilesha, theirs is Iwude festival in honor of “ogun”, the so-called god of iron. Apparently, our acclaimed title: State of The Virtuous becomes questionable, as the state is a host to innumerable of such worships with almost, if not all the cities and towns, having at least an annual feast for different gods.

The mother of them all with UNESCO recognition to boast of is the annual OSUN OSOGBO FESTIVAL, whose groove was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site about eleven years ago. During this festival, their goddess of river is appeased. The honor attributed to this festival is arguably mindboggling and undeserving! Just few hours to this year’s festival, lots of people are on the verge of falling out of the right path yet again!

The outlook of the host city, the capital city of the State of Osun is already speaking volumes on behalf of the yet-to-break day, wearing a new look in readiness for their so-called Grand Day. The Osun-Osogbo festival often marks the finale of minor appeasements and atonements performed prior to the D-day. However, it is high time to sound the alarm of admonition to the ears of all Muslims in the city, that Osun Osogbo festival is not meant for them. It is not too late for inhabitants of Osogbo and its environs to heed to the warning that they have got nothing worthy to be offered from this event. Just guard your Islam jealously!

Help spread the message to intending foreigners that it is not even worth a feast travelling down for. Go for hajj rather than travel down for Osun-Osogbo; well-observed acts of worship built on a foundation of blemish-free intention ushers you back home with a clean sheet, just as a neonate. It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said: I heard the Prophet say; “whoever performs hajj for the sake of Allah and does not utter any obscene speech or do any evil deed, will go back (free of sin) as his mother bore him”. Do not put your Muslimship at stake! You have a better choice in Islam!

It is narrated in a Hadeeth from the Prophet (sallaLlahu alayhi wa Salaam) that he said; “Allah does not put your healing in that which is forbidden to you”. Thus, if your intention is to cure yourself of boredom or depression, must it be at the Osun feast? Instead, feed your eyes with the colorful flowers at the Olaiya bus-stop Annexe of the Nelson Mandela Park. We are kind of broke in the State of Osun. Yet, there are landmark structures here that will astound you. Visit to Anthony Udofia primary school, the yet to be commissioned Oshogbo high school and others will leave you awestruck.

Above all, instead of marking attendance at such feast that hankers to, but can never be as festivous as a Friday, request for Allah's boons! Remember that Hadith of the Prophet, “on Friday, there is an hour of the day during which no person asks Allah for something but He will give it to him” [At-Tirmidhi]. Allah has granted unto Muslims, two globally recognized and venerated festive periods. No festival can beat our E'idl Fitri and E’idl Adha. There is no need to overhype the population on ground, it can never hold candle to the number of people who goes for Umrah every year let alone Hajj.

Osun goddess could not even console the indigenes of austerity resulting in almost 12 months of unpaid salaries. Yet, Allah keeps assuring “Surely, with difficult is ease” [Surah Al- inshirah(94):5]. When civil servants were protesting in hunger, where was their Yeye? Yet, Allah assure anyone who trusts in him sustenance, “…and whoever trusts in Allah, He is sufficient for him; surely Allah attains His purpose; Allah has appointed a measure for everything” [Surah At- Talaq (65):3].

To those who think it was Osun who approved the conception and delivery of their Osunfunkes and Osungbemis. No one gives or takes offspring other than Allah. “And whoever is conscious of Allah, He will make for him a way out and will provide for him from what he does not expect…” [Surah At-Talaq (65): 2-3]. All you need is to keep your Faith and be patient. Those kids are still from Him anyway!

The brag that this Oshogbo-revered feast is a slap on Islamic predomination in the state is indeed biased and nothing to worry about; always scheduled for Friday with the King proceeding to masjid after the rites? Allah says it all; “you shall have your religion and I shall have mine” [Surah Al-Kafiroon (109): 6].

There is no cause for alarm. Perhaps, that preordained time when The State of the Virtuous will not stand any blemish on its acclaimed Title is yet to come. A Shirk-Free State of Osun is what we desire, and the best of choices for such a wish is in that perfected religion preached by all Prophets, ISLAM! …when Allah said Hijab Legalization should take effect, even the Judge could not say never!

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