


I believe every of our daily acts contribute a great deal to the realization of that huge desire, for which you cannot stop craving.

Here are five (5) Reasons you should keep a “To-Be List”. 

1.      REMINDER:
After a thoughtful session, which precedes your decision. Keeping a “To-Be List” initiates a remembrance channel that rarely frails. Every bit of your actions to own one leave you with extra reasons to remember what you are up for.

As you get a pen to write, a pad to scribble your final thoughts on, every move you make inevitably builds a memory that can’t be cheaply scrapped off. What else would you need? Remembering who you want to be from time to time is enough a force to propel you to your desired destination.

This is how it works: “You can always desire more when you have one on ground.” There is no way anyone would want to amplify his goals if nothing, however small is on ground. When you keep a “To-Be List”, you give yourself reasons to leap limitlessly.

There is always an innate assurance that you can be more than you plan becoming. Of course, you can always be better than you plan to be. Every review of your “To-Be List” boosts your morale and determination, making you believe you can do more. That way, you want to work harder, show more commitment more than you initially intended.

You agree that the best way to get anything done flawlessly is to remain focused irrespective of distractions or any of its accomplice. Be rest assured that your list will ensure you don’t sway from the designated track.

Just as a daily “to do list” instills discipline in the heart of its possessor, a “To-Be List” shall make you imbibe reasons to remain focus as long as no change is made to the list. It tracks your activity and ensure that it conforms to the criteria required to be who you wish to be.

An ample of the populace don’t know what they want. It’s so disheartening finding out that some people can’t give an explicit discourse on who they want to be. The truth is, you can’t keep a “To-Be List” if your goal is not defined.

“So, where are you going?” (Qur’an 81:26)

Affirmatively, the first thing you stand the chance of enjoying when you keep a “To-Be List” is that you are extradited from the midst people who have no idea of what they really want or who they really want to be.

5.      DEFENSE:
Thence, if anyone challenges you and call you “a nobody”, you can prove them so wrong because you have a blueprint to becoming “the somebody” you wish to be. You have a handwritten template of the you, you’d love to see in few years to come.

You are better than the one who loiters without a specific destination. You are stronger than a weakling who is devoid of strength and vigor. You have a concrete tool that you plan working towards every day until you become the figure, you truly desire!

Should you wait any longer? Get up and act: you should keep a “To-Be List” too!

Have a fabulous week!

See also;

1 comment:

  1. MashaAllah, what a nice piece sister, I am so much impressed by your write ups, they are so much inspiring.
    Keep it up.

