

WHAT ABOUT ‘WHAT IF…- "Look here! (Smiles) “Our future is here!”"

At every moment of our lives, no one can dispute that there is a thing or another to anticipate.  However, looking forward to anything could mediate assorted feelings; a bit of nervousness, a pinch of anxiety, a pint of excitement… aside those feelings, there is always a continual negotiation with the mind, which serves as the root for subsequent feelings.

This continual negotiation arouses more than anyone could expect, it uproots excitement as well as doubts; mixed feelings they call it. It is taxing holding a firm ground at such juncture, which one to choose: the doubtful or the auspicious thoughts.

Imagine thoughts like; “what if I graduate and could not get a job instantly, what if mum refuses to pay my tuition, who will sponsor my academics…” what if syndrome is an ally to pessimism; Kick it! Overindulgence in such thoughts is disastrous; who says your future is not bright? No one dare say such to you. Why convince yourself with some suicidal thoughts. What if you strangle those ‘what ifs’? That is arguably the best option you can ever adopt!

Oh, yes! It’s encouraged to ponder once in a while about the future, you need to be observant though; by the time the phrase “what if” begins to peep, swiftly adjourn your future thoughts till some other day. However, what about ‘what if’? If those negative thoughts of ‘what if’, as scary and fake, as they are turn out to be true, would your lame conjectures turn things around?

You’d better get up and get busy with something better. Tomorrow will definitely break, that future too is near. Before it surfaces, what about breaking from the ‘what if’ cord? Take a break from negative thoughts about your future! Don't panic!

Promise yourself you wouldn’t be immersed in worrisome thoughts any longer. What is it about ‘what if’? What is anxiety sprouting about the future? What is it to fear about tomorrow? Today was once ‘a yesterday’? Tomorrow will soon be ‘a today’ also. Your fear and doubts cannot stop it!

Please savvy this; what if ‘what if’ is a scam? It’s actually a scam that scares away peace of mind and replaces it with fret and dreads about the future. Do not give in to it! You are smarter and better now! If you dread your future for any reason, you are on your own and shall pay dearly for it because truly, there is nothing to fear or worry about the future! Look here! (Smiles) “Our future is here!”

“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only slaps today of its joy”- Leo F. Buscaglia

Have a great week! A ‘what if – free’ one!
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