


You don’t want to dispute this; one of the most assuring ways to win anyone’s heart is being appreciative towards him? Just like patience, gratitude is an attitude that goes a long way. Unfortunately, many a times, we are submerged in the thought of what we are yet to get that we forget the numerous and beautiful things we have at hand.

Try compiling a list of what you possess and what you are yet to get. Now weigh it on a scale of conscience. The result is a constant; we are more endowed than deprived. Are we deprived at all? It takes a keen mind to adjudge; there will always be more to appreciate than request.

Thank God for dirty dishes
They have a tale to tell
While other folks go hungry
We are eating pretty well
With home, health, and happiness
We shouldn’t want to fuss
For by this stack of evidences
God is very good to us- Anonymous.

Gratitude stems from humility; little wonder the arrogant rarely utter “thanks”. We could as well attribute gratitude to wisdom; the wise wouldn’t part from a helper leaving no trace of appreciation. He, who doesn’t, mistakenly, but deliberately withhold words or acts of appreciation could be excused on the basis of ignorance; he, who is knowledgeable wouldn’t take gratitude for granted. “He has not thanked Allah who has not thanked people”- Prophet Muhammed (SalaLlahu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam)

Appreciation woos commitment. If you thank me, you just gave me a reason to be more responsive when next my help is needed. Gratitude is like a royal treatment, everybody may have money, not title. Indeed, Gratitude to our creator means a lot though it neither increases nor diminishes His worth. Gratitude to a fellow human being goes a long way; it will always have an impact, no matter how little on its recipient.  

Does it not deserve that you pat his back after he has done as instructed? A nod of appreciation is not negligible for that other day favor. If you owe anyone a “thank you”, swiftly pay up! If you are so engrossed with the thoughts of insufficiency that you forget to value your current assets, I suggest you have a rethink. Give more “thumbs up”, “kudos”, “well done”, “bravo”, “gracias”, “merci”, “adupe”, “nagode”, “daalu”, “kubetin”, “grazie”, “shukran”… Gain an edge with Gratitude! Stop nagging!

I wish you the kind of week you wish yourself! Merci!

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