

SURELY, DEFINITELY, CONFIDENTLY!- "... how long you want to avoid stares in your direction before you can cross the road safely."

I know that feeling that makes you take countless glances just to be sure no one is watching. It’s rather sad that you are yet to be convinced that no one is watching truly. “You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.”- Eleanor Roosevelt

 Timidity is it that wants you to be sure you are alone before you make the best or weirdest of decisions. Nevertheless, for how long will you continue postponing your actions till when no one is around? Only time shall because it just can’t be “only you” forever. You’d better imbibe self-confidence? Practice it until it becomes an integral part of you. “It can be practiced and with that practice, you will get better”- Jacqueline Wolven.

The world is getting crowdyer every day; you want to tell me how long you want to avoid stares in your direction before you can cross the road safely. You have to be confident! You deserve the gratuities of confidence too!

I know what it takes to be shy; you are not bad if you are the “shy type”. However, shyness in extremism limits the potential of whoever exhibits it. If you can do more, go ahead and show it! Don’t let shyness pull you down; C’mon! Up you go! 

You really love to do something? Please go ahead! Do it as long there is nothing wrong with it; Don’t be shy as long as there is nothing wrong with you.
Do it “surely, definitely and confidently!”- Amitabh Bachchan (English Vinglish)

Have a golden week!
See also,

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