


It is highly partial and limiting to go for something small where a bigger offer lies. The truth is, every entity has a base as well as a peak. Every profession segregates into ranks; from amateur to professional, the one you dream to be, you shall be. “The future you see is the one you get"- Robert G. Allen

You don’t tell someone who has a dream to wake up, you say that to one who is asleep. Interestingly, having a dream or lots of it is a function of consciousness and alertness. Every of the body system works in unison to come up with a dream, so do they in transforming it from what only the mind can appreciate to what the whole world can behold and fall in love with.

Apparently, not only Martin Luther King has a dream good enough to be proclaimed, even a toddler wants everyone to know what he dreams to become. Benjamin Carson, a professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery and pediatric medicine is not really comparable to every other medical practitioners. Is he? The Wright brothers who invented the first aircraft started with bicycles. Biology introduced Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, the renowned Russian Physiologist to me before physiology did. Don’t resolve to be a common type! Be a Vast Dreamer! Be a Visioner! You can have more if you dream more!

The point remains that our dreams go a long way in defining our moves. I kept wondering why some individuals dream so little as if they are being threatened not to dream more than they currently do. The dream in question is one that requires your eyes be wide opened and your brain functioning; there is no nightmare to be afraid of! When you dream so little, you are invariably paving way for irrelevancies and redundancies. On the other hand, when you dream big, there is always something to work towards every moment. That way, you deny the least of impurities from making contacts with your goal. Stephen Butler Leacock says, “It may be that those who do most, dream most.” Indeed, the hugeness of great dreams is enough to scare distractions and get rid of all sorts of artefacts. When you dream big, you achieve big!

A befitting illustration of amplifying dreams big popped up in my mind and I will argue that it’s just the best to relate with. Does anyone ever wonder why The Prophet of Islam (SalaLlahu ‘Alayhhi wa Sallam) said that if we were to ask for paradise, we should ask for its highest level? He says; “Paradise has one hundred grades, each of which is as big as the distance between heaven and earth. The highest of them is Fridaus and the best of them is Fridaus. The Throne is above Firdaus and from it spring forth the rivers of Paradise. If you ask of Allah, ask him for Fridaus” [Sunan Ibn Majah]. That is the Prophet asking everyone to dream and pray for the best final abode. He is encouraging all and sundry to dream Fridaus. Are you also dreaming the highest and the best of everything? Are you dreaming Fridaus?

The zenith of anything is not exclusive to a particular set of people. Accessibility to the best of everything is opened to everyone. You have an awesome choice to make; Go on and amplify your dreams! The first step to achieving anything in life is to dream it. If you dream little, you achieve little or less. Whereas, if you dream so big, and end up not achieving something so big, you will be compensated with achievements big enough. Dream what you desire most: your favorite, your crush… “For those who dare to dream, there is a whole world to win.”- Dhirubhai Ambani.

When you dream it, you are programming your body and mind to go for it. Do you know some people’s thoughts are influenced by what they have at hand; only what they can see clearly and hold firmly. They design their future house based on their current salary, they assume the maximum amount they can get as income will be determined on how well their current company is faring economically. That is so belittling!

It’s true that a bird at hand is worth a thousand in the bush. No one is asking you to resign your current job because the pay is meagre and your dream is bigger. Meanwhile, the vastness of your thoughts and expectations can influence everything you lay your hands on just to see your dream come true. “Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than the person with all the facts.”- Life’s Little Instructions. Focus on what you wish to be; you are your dream amplifier!

Until next week, munch on these words from Jiminy Cricket Quotes: “if you don’t have a dream, how can you have a dream come true.”
Have a sensational week! #whoyoudreamtobe,be!
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