


The essence of punctuality arguably, cannot be overemphasized; it is actually a key factor to succeeding in life. Punctuality stems from a well- instilled self-discipline in any individual that is addicted to it. It’s a feature everyone must desire to possess. Little wonder, William Shakespeare says, “Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.”

On the other hand, one may actually get stranded and as a result, get deprived of just little duration of time required to thrust one to the early-comers’ side. Many at times, one could imagine a countdown to the last minute in a hurry to get the right thing done. Thence, what is next?

When it becomes apparent that you are not going to beat the deadline; when the time required getting an aspect of a work done is running out and you still have many aspects to cover; when the time table says 3 p.m. and you are so certain that you will arrive ten minutes behind the stated time. What do you do? Do you throw in the towel and pity your misfortune or you proceed against all odds? You never wished and planned to be late right from the start; will you still get the task done, summon courage and continue the race?

I heard someone share a very inspiring story on a television program few months back. He wanted to purchase a machine from a foreign company but unfortunately, he was told sales was over. Just as expected, he was sad. Yes! Sad but not deterred! He said he thought to himself that there should be another mean. You know what he did? He wrote the company, giving them cogent reasons why he needed the ware. Few weeks later, he got what he wanted. He was later told that the machine sold to him was the only one left in the company. He wouldn’t have gotten that. Would he? He got it because he didn’t see a deadline as a stopping force. he wasn’t sure he would get it either, he just hope something could be done. No one in the company knew him, yet, his request was acknowledged because he believed he’d better give a try despite being late than give none at all.

Truly, some deadlines must not be breached; some deadline one just can’t beat. In such scenarios, all we need do is see beyond the last minute and believe that it is still not late to get it done. Most times, we get too depressed because we can’t make it to a desired spot at the stipulated time; we get knocked down emotionally because of the phrase, “Time up!” Time up does not mean over; pull yourself together and get yourself back on track. There are still lots to be done; discover where more and even better opportunities abound. Alexander bell, the inventor of telephone says, “sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the one that is open.” How factual his words are!

Do you also agree that something like time factor really exist? Some people are submerged in the notion that time is a determining factor in everything one does. Of course! They say age is a determinant too; that at a point, you just have to stop; give up your dreams, relax and just enjoy the sight of other people achieving theirs. That actually shouldn’t be! All you have to do is break the jinx! Beyond the time people expect you to entertain dormancy, lots can still be done. “It is never too late to be what you might have been”- George Elliot. Don’t be frightened! Don’t fret!
Beyond the deadline; after closing time; beyond the last minute, if you are still breathing, you can still make it!
Have a fantabulous week!
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