

BID FEAR A FAREWELL!- "...convince the body-mind that there is no threat here"

How would you describe the situation of someone, who says often ‘I can do it’ but will never take a step? What about that person you confidently said to “you can do it” but failed to move an inch? I have always wanted to air my view about fear but held back on the notion that there is so much to discuss about it. Perhaps, you want to say, I was overpowered by the fear of bulkiness and as a result had to wait till now? You are absolutely right! From that, we can infer that the first step to conquering fear is to break the barrier of idleness; bulkiness; procrastination or whatever could be posing itself as an excuse; Start it! Do it!

Have you ever thought of how lengthy phobia list is? Every entity wouldn’t have been given a phobia tag if someone out there is not afraid of it. Once your fear for anything becomes established, such a thing becomes your boss. Phobia founds itself on uncertainty; the particular object that scares them will always do because they doubt it favoring them. Does it not marvel and inspire you; the fear of God draws you closer to Him, the fear of anything aside from God, distances you from it. …Me (Allah) alone should you fear. [Surah Al-Baqarah (2):41].

An anthophobic individual will never move close to where flowers are. You may be sued if you bring cats close to an ailurophobic individual. Ed’s health tips writes in his piece about how to cure phobia; “what is needed is to convince the body-mind that there is no threat here” it might take a while, yet, you can always choose bravery over fear.

I was walking on the street with my mum few years ago, a dog just came out from nowhere, barking furiously from behind and coming towards our direction. If I were alone, that day would have been the day I feared and dreaded most. As the dog barked continuously, you know what my mum did, she was strictly telling me, ‘don’t run’. She held my hands and we continued walking and stopped intermittently. The dog kept on barking right behind us but we acted as though we didn’t fear it, even with my heart in my mouth. We maintained our fearless position until its master showed up. That is the spirit!   You know what could have happened if we had taken to our heels? You might need someone to serve the capacity my mum served that morning; someone to calm you down and assure you there is no cause for alarm even when you see the red light blink.

My exegesis for Eleanor Roosevelt saying, “do one thing every day that scares you” is; enslave that thing, which has successfully enslaved a chunk of the populace, fear! If you see fear as a slave, you have automatically gotten rid of its stagnancy-inducing venom. Interestingly, many people see fear as an excuse, they engage it as a tool for deceit to gain attention or be treated delicately. Even with an umbrella when it drizzles, they reiterate, “I’m afraid I will get wet”. They keep expressing fear even at its absence that they end up its slave. Mother of Radioactivity, Marie Curie says, “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood”.  Go after your dream, aim for its peak! Beat all expectations! You have nothing to lose if you fear nothing. “We must act in spite of fear not because of it”- Benjamin Disraeli.

How bizarre it sounds when someone declares fear for death. What of HE who created death; what a misplacement of obligation! At this juncture, please, let it sink that the chief sponsor of fear is doubt. You could feel a ting of uncertainty, which could breed fear. It’s okay. “The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear”- Nelson Mandela.

It should be bore in mind that lots of great minds died with their greatness, leaving nothing for anyone to gain from. Uncountable creativity and skills is decaying underground with its possessor, who would have also loved to share but couldn’t due to the fear of one thing or the other. Some of them were afraid of rejections of their ideas but today, they and their ideas are no more, some fear critiques of their works might mediate heart attack and send them to early grave. They didn’t get the critique they feared could lead to death, yet they still died.

Fear should not restrain you! Don’t let it hold you down; free yourself from its shackles! Factually, only the fear of God is conscience-friendly and mind soothing, the fear of anything aside Him is like a stab on conscience and an analgesic-resistant pain in the system. You keep asking yourself; “why am I doing this to myself?” Bid fear a farewell; why are you afraid of what you could bring under you?

“What we aim at shall become ours if we believe and don’t cease to try harder.” Have a beautiful week!

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