

NOT SO SOON!- "... desert Despair Avenue for Hope Arena; Make a Move!"

Not maybe, it is normal to feel like letting go, give in to distress and disappointments and consequently, give up. Who knows the worth and value of anything until it is lost? Nobody can guarantee that! Thence, isn’t it better to cling to our possessions and guard them jealously? Days won't stop breaking and yes! every millisecond in it counts. However, not all of it matters. Time counts, only a judiciously utilized time matters.

If all time really matters, why don’t we recline to our couches and still await our needs be met out of idleness? If all time really matters, there should be no difference between a hardworking farmer who toils day and night, and another who awaits a bountiful harvest period without sowing a seed on his farmland. Only a time brilliantly invested, which subsequently bring forth enviable outputs means a lot, like the time spent cherishing and savoring hope instead of adopting a treacherous despair as it beckons.

Can you for a moment imagine the span of time someone contemplating suicide would spend doing so? Such individual would definitely have been weighing several options on how best it will be carried out; racking brain, devising various bizarre techniques to ensure a clean procedure. It takes time. Doesn't it? But such period is as useless, waste less as well as unproductive. Such is the case of anyone trying to strangle life out of whatever he is doing owing to reasons so flimsy and nauseating. What could make anyone consider suicide? What could make anyone adopt despair when hope exists? “Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future”- Robert Schuller.

It is a brilliant step to decide to quit your job for another with the claim that you can't make both ends meet with it. Trust me though; it's far more brilliant when you sit yourself down and reason. Rather than fritter away your time, worrying about how unfortunate your case is or wallow in the thoughts of how successful your colleagues are, challenge your brain to find out how you can make your current field better for you, how you can tune your handiwork to favor your account, how you can adjust your expenses to favor your revenue. Not so soon must you say never!

It's ridiculous when you quit based on reasons so petty. Don’t discard that idea because it is yet to yield as much as you presume; don’t severe that tie because your friend seems to be indifferent, don’t resign because of insults or any puerile excuses…not now! Not this soon!

A hopeful individual is not immune to frustration, he is immune to anything frustration could procreate; hatred, self pity, aggressiveness and the likes. A hopeful individual is never caught unaware, he possesses the intellect with which he can console himself that all is well even at the face of the worst. Thich Nhat Hanh says; “hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.” Yes! If we believe without ceasing to believe! Don’t let go of hope; you retain it wholly, it sustains you wholly.

“Hope is like a sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us”- Samuel Smiles. What brings smile to a heavily pregnant woman’s face in spite of how painful she hears and reads of childbirth labor; the hope for a bouncing child. A starving labor worker even chortles to sate himself while he hopes for the payment of his wage or salary, students giggle on hoping for excellent results.

Those are mere human imaginations anticipating the fulfillments of their intuitions because they are hopeful! How would you feel if I share with you, or better still, remind you of these beautiful ‘twin verses’ from the Holy Book. Now, anticipate the fulfillment of Allah’s Promises, which never fail: “Surely with difficulty is ease. With difficulty is ease” [Surah Al-Inshirah(94:5&6)]. It is a worthwhile transition when you desert Despair Avenue for Hope Arena; Make a Move!

Cry if your eyes get flooded with tears: it is not a crime to get emotional. Bravery may be optional. Hope is a core!
Ruminate on these words of ‘Rumi’ till we meet again next week; “And if HE bars against you all ways and passages, HE will show you a secret way, which no man knows”

Remember to keep the torch of hope burning and lit up dying ones too! Have a fulfilling week!

(Apologies for not been here last week…)
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