


A friend notified me few days ago saying; "Rahmah, that your ‘dwindling passion’ post
has got to do with me". She no longer loves the course she is in for at school; imagine a five-year course on the brink of caution! That reminded me of the lesson I learnt when I wanted to leave physiology for nursing. In anticipation of a more desired course, I strangled my passion for the former.

Fortunately, when I could not make it to becoming a nursing student, I did what was best for me, rekindled my passion for the initially deserted course; embraced Physiology whole-heartedly. Here is my testimony for strangling my passion for physiology for just a while; I recorded my lowest GP since I gained admission.

You must have heard someone say I don't like my course and consequently, his results will begin to testify to the hate; Others are excelling, he, close to probation. You have heard someone say I don't love my spouse; while his mates enjoy a happy home, he will always pray for a longer working hour at office. I've heard someone say I don't have passion for this work; while his mates were being promoted, he was being advised to tender a resignation... When passion is missing, joy and progress finds it hard to diffract their way through as well.

We are in a country where no one cares about what you really love to do. An aspiring Law student could be offered Library despite having all prerequisites for Law. If you fall in that category or a similar one, it does not indicate that you have to start wallowing in depression. As long as you would not be rejecting it, why would you not love it for what it is and get the best out of it.

There is no excuse for failure; in everything you are involved, resolve to making it a passion. Excelling at a dreaded task is rare and you would not want your efforts to be in vain. “If you can see your daily tasks building up to something, it’s a lot easier to get passionate about them”- Steve bloom. So, are you that pessimistic?

It is not just about persevering, when passion is lost, hope is nowhere to be found too. What sets in is apathy. Such individual becomes pathetic and who cares? Since you are expected to be in charge, don't be reminded once more before you begin to love what you are into; your course, spouse, work, child, pet... what about foreseeing a favorable outcome? Nevertheless, how would you do that if you still abhor it? Steve Bloom asked; “what if you could become passionate about boring tasks?” He answered; “if you can get excited to do them, you could unlock a lot of potential and accomplish more”. You can love it! Of course, you can be excited about it!

Be obsessed with it, flaunt it and find out the enviable thing about what you do, you could become a role model in that field someday. Every invited guest who came to deliver lecture in my department would always share the Nobel Laureates in Physiology with us. They knew we needed it; perhaps, it will add up to our passion for physiology and motivate us that we could make it to that height someday.

An aspiring entrepreneur who has his heart in his mouth could garner enough courage and fall in love for his career by reading biographies of successful entrepreneurs that had lived and those still living. Close your eyes to negativism. Positivism sustains passion just as prayer does to it. Is positivism not synonymous to faith?

Anything worth doing is worth doing well; doing it well means doing it passionately. It is not too late to get back on track; Refresh your intention, readjust your focus and do it all with passion.

See also,

Have a great week!

