



Many a times, the one we rely on could betray; the one we trust could strip us nude for the world not to appreciate, but mock. We might have been let down, stabbed, duped in spite of an untainted sincerity. Perhaps, it is time we realized that no one is immune to disappointment. Afterwards, we should crown our awareness with a firmly rooted mind: that will not be swayed from inspiring ideal thoughts, to ensure that we do not dwindle from best to better, better to good or good to bad; No depreciation! Instead, one should learn to nurture to maturity, a mindset that will spur one to making landmark strides in spite of disappointment, discouragement or rejection.

Just imagine how disappointing it would have been for Paul Pogba four years ago when he left Old Trafford. After his departure to his new club, which obviously, is not as big and famous as his former, another player was bought with an amount four times as much as the one he was offered. If he had seen that as a relegation and had been playing out of depression, undoubtedly, he would have been duped of today’s earned ovation.

Some fans mocked him, even the Manager tagged him “rude”. Is it not fascinating because a year later, the more preferred player was already on loan to another club and Pogba was preparing to become the best young player at World Cup. Today, he is back in the Red Devil Team as a record- breaking player, the most expensive soccer player on earth. What did disappointment do to you the last time you were hit with one, two or more?

You might have done more than enough, desert your comfort zone just to give the best you can. If what you get at the end isn’t heart-warming, just forge ahead nursing no iota of regret. If a top-notch customer whom you offer enough discounts jilts you for your business counterparts, do not treat others as though they would treat you similarly too. The message is to let disappointments trigger positive feedback; act as if indeed you have just been blessed.

Turn your losses into loads of lessons. That way, you have a better chance of earning even more profits. Disappointments should not leave you dejected; let it jet you to a beautiful place where no one expects. At the end of the day, you will not be disappointing yourself even if the entire world let you down.

The Prophet of Islam, Muhammad AbduLlah (Salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa salam) blazed the trail for furtherance, in spite of disappointment and rejection from his country people. What could have been more disappointing? He didn’t see the persecutions and prosecutions as an excuse to thwart his Messengership role. Instead, he emigrated from Makkah to Medinah to continue with His preaching. That journey gave birth to Hijri calendar; we have been counting for over a millennium now and we shall not stop until we are no more.

Disappointment is like a mineral rich land awaiting to be exploited for fortune. When others say “never”, just keep reiterating “ever” until you get to the spot you desire. Disappointment should not deter you from going after your dream. Keep moving; it should not be a hindrance!

18th century English Poet, Alexander Pope said “Blessed is he who expects nothing for he shall never be disappointed”. Here is Ryan Reynolds, an actor, elucidating when he said; “when you have expectations, you are setting yourself up for disappointment”. You expect more, you get disappointed more! You can make that disappointment desirable when you refuse to surrender to its debilitating aftermath!

Have a splendid week and Remember; you are in charge!
E’id Mubarak in advance to all Muslims; TaqobalaLlahu minna wa minkum.
See also;                    


  1. hmmm...
    always inspiring. kudos to u.
    may Allah continue to enrich ur wisdom.
    baarakallahu fiyhi

    1. Aammen wa feek barokaLLah. Hope you are utmostly inspired?

  2. Truly brilliant. I am impressed. More power to your elbow. Barokallohufeehi.

