

WHEN PASSION DWINDLES, INTENTION REKINDLES.- "When your passion files for divorce..."


Passion could be so intriguing! With granted permit to creativity juice to flow, everyone remains awe stricken, wondering how the “passionately addicted” makes everything seems so easy. Here is the secret, a well-polished passion makes people perceive and appreciate you more, every passion is like fashion; it is at the fingertips of all and sundry; everybody has access to it. An active passion or that, in motion is style; it gives an impression of who you are! “Passion is doing something you love to do again and again with ease and without tiresome. Dream may at times be fantasy, but passion is always realistic.”- Aravinth Rajagopal

However incredible, style is exclusive to every individual. The dynamicity of fashion procreated style. Think passion, think how to rock and flaunt it comfortably too; Be stylishly passionate! Passion is dynamic, it is malleable and so, can be beaten into any taste if you wouldn’t mind. Even if everyone else is practicing what you love to do, you can always season yours to taste; one writer writes only in uppercase, the other feels fulfilled using lower case; both are still writers. Ain’t they? Passion is firm, yet, flexible!

It's quite disheartening that the overwhelmed feeling of being in love rob us of the attention for a well spelt intention. Perhaps, you never knew; intention insures your passion! A good intention is like a fuel that rekindles a weak passion, or rather, revive to life, a lifeless one. Here is Marcia Wieder’s ‘working definition’ for intention; “to have in mind a purpose or plan, to direct the mind, to aim.” He continued; “lacking intention, we sometimes stray without meaning or direction. But with it, all the forces of the universe can align to make even the most impossible, possible.”

When passion fails you, good intention raises you. Being in the mood all time is feasible but not always possible. Ordinarily, it's normal to be hit by quitting syndrome at any point in time (one feels like saying never, fabricate excuses to justify resignation, search for instances of successful quitters though there is none to earn few folks’ understanding, weep for the fear of the unknown…). If your zeal suddenly drops from its spike and wouldn’t stop diminishing, don’t be scared; passion dwindles!

Coincidentally or rather, unfortunately, when passion is down, determination becomes sick too, focus becomes blur and everything just seem to be withering, almost dying. When your passion files for divorce, your good intention is the most qualified lawyer to employ because when passion dwindles, intention rekindles!

Intention directs, determination drives while prayer sustains passion. The saying of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad AbduLlah (SallaLlahu ‘alayhi wa Salam) "Action shall be judged according to intention…" is enough to elucidate the relevance and determining prowess of intention as well as its proportionate relationship with passion; It is the ‘why’ behind every action. Do you now fathom better, why you need to make your intentions clear? I just asked myself; “Rahmah, what’s the intention behind your writing passion? Why this niche? Why not fashion or sports…?” How about you? What is your intention doing whatever it is you are into?

As nothing is set on the stone, if that dream of yours is currently devoid of intention, it’s not too late to insure it by getting one; Your dwindling passion could as well find a lasting solution in a selfless intention; hurry up and write one down. Make your goal a whole; is it not worth it? Breathe life into it using an explicit intention as a tool!

I don’t know what you want or need, but I believe what you desire is to make it to the peak… and that’s my wish for you!
Leap into the next six days enthusiastically! Keep on keepin’ on!
Enjoy the rest of the week!

See also:

1 comment:

  1. Lovely and educative, I tell you. A beautiful reminder for someone like me. Jazakillahu khairan sister

