

YOU HAVE A DREAM? CROSS THE STREAM!- "We weren't given apple juice..."


One thing is thinking you can do something; another is wish you got it done. One thing is saying you can; it is entirely different believing you can. One may dream a thousand and one dream, what about being ready to pay its price. So free is the brain space that it can accommodate enough imaginations; anyone can dream as much as he chooses to. In contrast, it is not and should not be all about that, there is more to dreams than imagining them and putting them down into writing; you must be ready to pay the price!

As those mere thoughts, gradually transform into something tangible. You have to give more to it, while others give little or less. Being exceptional is a plus! Every successful person you see today put to use, what others thought was useless. They utilized efficiently, the opportunity others snubbed and scorned; they worked hard!

Work precedes harvest truly. Hard work precedes even a bountiful harvest. Do not work averagely as most people do. That does not mean you should work yourself to a coma either. If you desire excellence, you devote more than average. To get hold of that which you love, you have to lose some sweat. Losing sweat is an index of hard work. Do not forget too, that the 'lost sweat' gets rid of wastes, and cools the body system afterwards.

Getting started is like laying a foundation; after that, you decide what is built on it. Would you love to cut down few tree branches and build a wooden hut or you would rather dig for diamonds and construct an edifice? Do not be cajoled. Hard work matters! David Bly, an American politician says, “Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted”. Moreover, who does that?  

Since mere drafting out plans would not do, what about dedicating enough time to transforming it into something concrete? What about crossing the stream of average performance and land at the shore of excellence. It might be tedious. Just keep your eye on the end-result: excellence, superiority, uniqueness… The truth is; you gain more when you give more. You thrive more when you dedicate more and work harder. What else would any one show for industriousness? Be assured, if you do not loathe what you do and ready to take up what most people would ignore due to the taxing side of it, there you are, already trailing the cleaved path of success.

Genius are never scared of anything tedious and that is what makes them stand out. That is who you had better be!

After saying your prayers to commence the beckoning working week, these words of John Mason, I think, should come in handy too and trigger you to work harder than you used to do: “We weren't given apple juice, we were given apple.”

Do not be that man Allah refers to when He says, “Man will not get anything unless he works hard” [Surah An-Najm (53):39].

Get hold of your dream, cross the stream, let off some steam and get set to beam!
A fabulous working week, do you not envisage? Savor it to the peak!

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