



Yesterday cannot be tagged 'gone' if the events embedded in it still haunts. Factually, it still abides with us if its memory lingers. Today could as well be a reflection of yesterday; we must have either lived up to or against its repercussions. We are being admonished day in day out to let the past be if it would not add to the happiness of the present but rather deduct. However, who forgoes such event that shook the globe and all its inhabitants. Who forgoes such occurrence that made its reporters shivered in speeches and fidgeted in writing; The Makkah Crane fall.

It's one year already when the entire Ummah was robbed of the euphoric feeling of Hajj 1436 commencement, made to sob and wail for that unprecedented incident with a death toll of over a hundred lives. That crane crash in The House of Allah that left over two hundred Muslims injured is 365 days in memory. Indisputably, Iman shook, Taqwa shrunk, Ikhlas swayed. AlhamduliLlah, only to revert to its intact and initial state, devoid of doubts and blemish. Who would have ordained such if not Allah who already said; “We will surely test you through some fear, hunger and loss of money, lives and crops… [2:155].

It is no exaggeration that eyes reddened, heart skipped its beats, ears deafened to sounds above threshold, eyes beheld blurrily in spite of a bright day light. Arguably, the fall of that metal-work in the House of Allah made us shiver and quiver; we stammered and stuttered in speeches owing to fear, with reasons not far-fetched.

However, all sorts of remarks from haters and antis of Islam were not enough to douse the flame of our faith. Have a keen look around; your neighborhood, communities, market places and the likes; Muslims still long to visit the Sacred Mosque.

Evidently and coincidentally, today marks another eagerly anticipated day; the best and holiest day in Islam, The Day of Arafah. “This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed my favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion…” [surah Al-Maeda(5);3]

Ain't we stronger in spite of the incidence? The fall of the crane left us dejected but didn't quench our love and uncontestable desire for the 5th pillar of Islam. We still nurse the desire to visit the Prophet's birth and death places, we still saved from our income to purchase tickets that will guarantee we feed our eyes on the sight of the black apparelled structure; the Holy Ka’aba.

As millions of Hajj pilgrims perform the crux of Hajj rites today; climbing the mount of Arafah and as we, the non-pilgrims abstain from food and drink to mark this glorious day, let’s endeavor to pour out our heart to Allah in Du’a and Supplications. Who else listens? “Call on Me, I will answer you” (Qur’an 40; 60). May Allah accept all our acts as ibadaat.

It was narrated that the Holy Prophet said: The best of supplications is on the day of Arafah and the best which I and the Prophets before me have said is:
“Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wahdahe la shareeeka lah, lahu’l-mulk wa lahu’l-hamd wa huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in qadeer”. [At-Tirmidhi]
“There is no god but Allah alone, with no partner or associate; His is the Dominion, to Him be praise, and He has power over all things”.
As salamu ‘alaykum wa RahmotuLlah wabarakatuh,
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