

BE TEMPTED TO ATTEMPT!- "...we are all cowards."


When I was in high school, my physics teacher gave my class an assignment and everyone was expected to get it done before the next class. When she showed up for the class, she asked about the work and started checking our books. When she got to my desk, I had nothing to show and she asked “why”. “I don’t know it”, I replied. “You should have at least attempted the question and show me your attempt rather than do nothing” was her response… those words struck me badly and I felt so dejected. Actually, on seeing the question initially, I had no idea of what to do. However, after she solved it, I realized I would have gotten it right if I did not succumb to the limiting thought that popped up on seeing the question…

Trust me, many a times, the bulwark between you and your desired dream fulfillment is 'an attempt'. Ideas may keep accumulating up there but it is still going to amount to a waste if you refuse to act on it. Two factors, I believe, determines how quick and how far every human being moves; the two factors are respectively, Commencement and Consistency. Can anyone be consistent if he/she does not commence?

Is it the fear of failure that makes you have your heart in your mouth? Robert Schuller says in one of his books, “every beginner is a winner”. We have been admonished umpteen times that it is honorable to fail at something than excel doing nothing. However, who says your start will end up a failure. Take your mind off any negative thought that might rob you of the strength to make a move. The truth is; “no one knows enough to be a pessimist”- Wayne Dyer.

It takes boldness and bravery to start anything because human mindset is so susceptible to doubts, which could scare even the bravest from giving a shot. “I had as many doubts as anyone else. Standing on the starting line, we are all cowards” are the words of Alberto Salazar, a track coach and a former world-class runner. Indeed, we are all cowards. What makes us stand out is action!

Are you still afraid of failing and that is why you won’t start now? We are all expected to rise after falling, if indeed, we wish to progress. Infants’ transition from one developmental stage to another effortlessly exemplify this analogy. They do nurse fear too but will not just let it hold them back. If those kids do not stand, keep rising after every fall, how would they have known that the legs could be lifted let alone cover a reasonable distance, walk? If you do not act now, how will you get to know about those invisible remunerations and goodies awaiting your attempt? “The secret to getting ahead is getting started”- Mark Twain. The ball is in your court!

Most people will not progress because they keep waiting for one thing or the other before they make an attempt: more money, ample ideas… Start now! Just start! You can always incorporate better ideas in the long run rather than trying to be a perfectionist. There are possibilities of you meeting people who do the same or something similar to yours, who can assist you amplify your dreams. Start with what you have! George Herbert says, “Do not wait. The time will never be just right. Start where you stand and work with whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along”.

The temptation to attempt is worth falling into! Make this week a memorable one; get out of your shell and put those thoughts to work! Do not say later, “The beginning is always now.”- Roy Bennett.
Have a fulfilling working week ahead of you!
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  1. Enter your comment...The fear of failure is the beginning of boom. What a nice epistle. keep keeping on

