

BRIAN CALLS IT EXCUSITIS! - "...the diagnostic machine is blinking red..."


Medically, the suffix 'itis' is no news; it indicates deviation from physiological functions, known as pathology. Concisely, the suffix, 'itis' connotes "inflammation". You can find instances in medical conditions like, Nephritis, Bursitis, Hepatitis, Bronchitis, Appendicitis and their likes. It could also be an index for abnormal states or conditions like excessive tendencies, obsessions, with instances in telephonitis, baseballitis and others.

A friend once told me "too much of anything causes cancer". Isn't cancer procreated by excessive increase in number of cells beyond what the body system could cater? Thence, we say it is malignant. Such is the case when someone over indulges in any act; it is an anomaly that yearns for correction. If someone eats too much, we would not call him rich. Instead, we say such a person is suffering from Binge disorder.

I vehemently agree with renowned motivational speaker and author, Brian Tracy, in his book, THE POWER OF SELF DISCIPLINE. There, he described excessive excuse builders has been down with EXCUSITIS. Such group of people often finds solace in excuses. Indeed, they have goals they wish they actualized but may never do because they will always come up with a reason or another which consequently prevents them from doing so.

So many people recline and do as they wish because they can always come up with some tactful responses when questioned. However, excuses have never been known as a bridge that connects to dream fulfillment. What it build will not favor any coveted dream; it build walls instead! An addicted excuse builder who longs for a house to call his own can only have such dreams thrive well in fantasies. Addiction to ‘excuse making’ diminishes self-esteem. It reveals how inefficient and incapable one is to colleagues, relations and counterparts.

Excuse builders, often times do not want to take blames. They derive satiety attributing their errors and backwardness to other people or their current ordeal. If you ask any, “why are you frowning?” Their response might be: I don’t have money, my friends have deserted me, my marriage is no good… they do not want to take responsibility for anything, even their lives. Late John Mason, a best-selling author and speaker says; “When you are good at making excuses, it is hard to excel at anything else”

Excuse is that thing that makes you suspend something beneficial until another day, which only God knows. In this context, it is procrastination. Your spirituality is even at stake because any one who is addicted to giving excuses will always suspend good deeds until another day. Does Death notify anybody before paying visit? There might not be another chance!

Instead of pawning on some fabricated justifications to meet up with any demand, just take responsibility and stop making excuses. You know if you get late to work, your boss would complain. However, once you do the usual; tell him your car broke down or a neighbor’s child fainted and she swallows it hook, line and sinker, no one will question you further. The fact is; it is you, not your car or your neighbor’s child! Apparently, excuse makers tend to lie so well than others. “An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie, for an excuse is a lie guarded.”- Alexander Pope.

You will not be tagged an EXCUSITIS patient if you give excuses once in a blue moon. Nevertheless, should you give excuse at all? In contrast, if for virtually every task and assignment, you squint and show your oratory skills when expected to show results. I'm sorry, your diagnosis result says Positive. In fact, the diagnostic machine is blinking red as a matter of emergency!

“Change is possible!” You can attest to that maxim too, by acting responsibly and responsively to everything rather than give excuses.
“I attribute my success to this- I never gave or took any excuse”- Florence Nightingale.
Have a sensational working week ahead of you; an excuse free one!
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