

DON’T QUIT! RESTACK YOUR KIT!- "...nothing should kick you out of this run!"


You might have left something behind while hurriedly making that plan. Was man made to get it right at all times? Perhaps, all you need is do it one more time, just one more time!; it is too soon to throw in the towel! An omitted word might be the reason you lost out in that race of fortune; it’s still an index of man’s imperfection. Note your flops and try again!

On several occasions, a mistake made due to being overwhelmed had chased many to an eternal hiding. Nevertheless, should quitting be the next thing to adopt? That option has never been favorable and will never.  Achievers don't quit! Is that not your target title? You do not need to quit, just restack your kit!

Re assess yourself, reschedule your time if need arises, reshuffle your plans to meet up with your next move, RESTACK YOUR KIT to match the prerequisites needed to keep you going! In your heart, you know giving this deal up will do you no good; why betray your loyal conscience? Throwing in the towel at any time is a confirmation of how impassionate you are about whatsoever is the issue on ground. If you truly loved and still do, cherished and still do, nothing should kick you out of this run! Go! Do it again and Make it happen!

Quitting won’t take you there, it will restrain you from getting there!
Quitting won’t help you out, it will drain you of the little optimism you have left!
Don’t quit because of anything. Even if obviously, you ought to have won but eventually lost out.
Don’t quit because you are afraid of losing again.
Frustration is not an excuse; it could be stress and that is no news!
You can give even a better shot this time!

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