


The sky is blue, can't you see
Suspended by invisible forces which fails never
A convolutional thought provoking structure
Harboring lives anchored by wings
An aesthetical entity none can beat
Housing the sun that shines so bright
Here is nature in its finest face
NO CAUSE FOR CRIES; the sky is blue

The land is green, can't you see
High, low, sloppy, flat…
Border- deviant, fire-proven
Breathing life into gentle seedy souls
That sprouts to give a cozy shade
Nature; so pretty to behold still
NO CAUSE FOR CRIES; the land is green

So does the sun shines at noon
Reflecting images in varying shades
Glistening on walkways with its divergent rays
Tanning skin with none assent
An alluring face that scares the temple
Beam at this recurring glow of nature
NO CAUSE FOR CRIES, the sun is bright

The moon is pretty can't you see
Smiling in beauty from afar
Adorning nights to a shimmering view
Illuminating the earth in style
A nighttime pal that lits up blurry path
O nature! How sight pleasing you are!
NO CAUSE FOR CRIES; the moon is pretty

The spring is pure, have a look
With bounty of goodness that flows ever
Quenching thirst with a pleasing taste
You can do not without this nature’s offspring
NO CAUSE FOR CRIES; the spring is pure.

The night is calm as you can sense
A silence that silences busy day
Plus a birdy ambiance of sweet melodies
With soothing sound of breezy air
A weary eye can find some sleep
Stressed limbs can lay to rest
Nature so gentle to behold
NO CAUSE FOR CRIES; the night is calm.

Loving nature for what it is
Beaming with love at its pleasantries
Makes life a better place to dwell
Life is cool; nature is too
NO CAUSE FOR CRIES; Love life! Live life!
NO CAUSE FOR CRIES; Love nature! Crave for more!

You can actually love life for what it is. No cause for tears! No cause for grief! You deserve to be glad!
See you next week! Have a tear-free week!

See also,


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