


Simply simple is anything
A task; whatever it might be
Very simple is everything
If indeed, you do agree

Heaps of doubts may form with ease
With or without all your needs
And its effect may never cease
Until from doubts, you choose to cede

Get set to hit your target
In spite of hurdles that lie, abound
Get set to beat the previous set
All you need do is come round

The sky can only be all black
 For a brighter part to emerge
When life threatens to hold you back
Show your superiority to a mage

No going back on this plan
The light of hope shall lit your path
Trust in God and not in man
And bear in mind to play your part

A positive mindset, won’t you adopt?
On negativities, better place a ban
Out of limiting thoughts, quickly opt
Go make it happen, YES! YOU CAN!

Wishing you a week filled with possibilities; Savor!

See also,

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