

MELT THOSE MEMORIES!- "Above all, forgive yourself and those that stepped on your toes."

Some encounters I believe, hurt than hammertoe: the failed interview, the relationship split, the woeful test result and so on. Wallowing in thoughts like such can derail your morale!

At times, it seems it is never going to fade away or perhaps, not so soon. Consequently, it bothers the mind and gives one sleepless nights. Do not be pushed to the wall. It may be hard; it is just as easy as it seems to appear hard. Now is the time to get rid of those worrying and disturbing memories that weakens the enthusiastic spirit in you!

You know what? Declare and act as if that mind-boggling occurrence never took place in the first place. Seriously! Isn’t it high time you got over that happiness diminishing memories? Thus, act as if that lady/guy never broke your heart and love again! Do not let the thought of that ‘E’ or ‘F’ dwell longer in your head; keep studying! An ‘A’ is feasible!  Keep sending in applications as if you have never been let down by any firm…promise yourself you are going to revert to the “loving and amazing you” everyone has been longing to see. Above all, forgive yourself and those that stepped on your toes.

That way, you get over those bizarre and traumatizing thoughts quicker than ever.
Be Strong! Melt Those Memories!

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