

UMM AFFAN; an Already-Made Muse.


Being a protégé is such a privilege especially with a superb mentor on ground to play her role; all hands will always be on deck as there will be no room for laxity. Right? It’s a different story today actually as mentors are hard to come by though many claim to be protégés. We’ve been forced to dance to another tune of mentorship which could be term virtual and that’s why today, people prefer having a role model whose countenance, often times, they never beheld. it’s simply admiring a personality and allowing such person to be a driving force that propels you to a spot you ever eyed; believing someone who may not loan out her own belief so cheap just because you are convinced by her way of life. A mentor will definitely be aware and conscious of her impacts; a muse is factually oblivious of the giant strides she is making in the life of one, two or more individuals out there. A mentor if you asked me motivates while a muse inspires!

However, is it not marveling if one gets to know or better still, find out that there is someone somewhere, who without her knowledge sways many others to a more productive edge of life? An indication of an ideally productive life stems from an awesome amour between an individual and his Deen. And if there is anything that tickles you to alertness and makes you conscious of your Creed, no matter how little it is in quantity or how light it is on scale, it evidently suffices as an “anti-spiritual rust”. The Prophet (SalaLlahu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam) as narrated by ’Umar (RadhiyaLlahu ‘Anhu} says; “…the polish of the heart is in the remembrance of Allah”.  Can any Deen-reminding act be indeed little or light? I’m used to waking up anticipating a reminder possessing such feature; it’s no other than Fajr Reminder!

Presuming that the afore-stated name is ringing bell, I had better shed some light. If you’ve been wondering, pondering and racking your hypothalamus continually:  She was not one of the companions, neither was she the paternal grandmother to that truthful and bashful third successor of The Rasul, Uthman Ibn Affan (RadiyyaLlahu ‘Anhu), she is of this generation. An employer of pen purposely to serve the Deen; this Dawah Damsel writes to continue writing, polishing our hearts to shine every daybreak; giving us reasons to love Islam the more; challenging minds to bear in mind what this Creed is indeed about through Seerah, Fiqh and many others as admonishing means. Words are too insufficient to describe her kind; an encased jewel, a shrouded figure, a Deen Diva; the anonymous brain behind Fajr Reminder,

It is unusual I pick my pen nursing the intent of writing an ode to any one; it was actually a tough contemplation. At the end, it was a befitting decision; Affan’s mum is actually an exemption. For a young kid who nurtured the dream of becoming an “on air personality”. Knowing this figure has made me realize that someone could influence me more than the revered Mo Abudu of “Moments with Mo” did in spite of her mundane achievements. Umm Affan is not an On Air Personality (OAP), yet, captivates my apt attention, challenges my ability and prods me to do more than I intended doing. As if she knew I could more. Without seeing her face like that of “Anne Nwaghodo” of Channels Tv let alone listen to her voice like I do to the peculiar masculine voice that facilitates “Voices” on Splash FM, “Edmund Obilo”. Just the replication of her thoughts and knowledge of the Deen in black and white won my heart. Though not an alumna of Unilorin, Affan’s Mum is better by far! She is an “IN HEART PERSONALITY” (IHP).

I cannot be more apologetic for I know she may not really be pleased with this piece; that is why I chose to underestimate and not hype. It’s incredible that this dawah damsel got an introvert to do what she never thought she could do; that evening I set out to add a face to the daily inspiring piece I receive, which I never subscribed to! By Allah, I envy this Muslimah and AlhamduliLlah, my envy is justified in Islam. It was a “for Allah’s sake” visit meant to say “well done” and “BarokaLlahu feek”. I insinuated that she could have been spoilt but wouldn’t let mum and dad’s pampering meddle with what she does. Moment spent with she, who will be tying the nuptial knot this date was indeed “epochal;” if only I could find a better adjective to describe that brief and imparting conversation I had with her. She is arguably engrossed in and addicted to what she is known for. Is she really known? Many people know Sister Badrah, very few knows Umm Affan. Whereas, Umm Affan is sister Badrah; The Bride!

How do I corroborate the afore-stated notion. She has done well beating my imaginations and predictions; she was never a Ladokite. Thence, how would she have resided in “Fatimah Hostel” as I initially presumed? On getting to know “Fajr Reminder”, I rarely read it. What I did was stare at the first two lines, and asked myself repeatedly as if I were Google, “Who is this sister?” Afterwards, affirmed that she does what I’ve been told to but would always procrastinate on; “She definitely writes every day. Every day!” Oh! Perhaps that night I was added to a group where she was already a member; my inquisitiveness led me to clicking the group info and there she was, giving me reasons to recheck as if I was seeing stars. That night, I was asking myself continually; “Rahmah, how do you feel?” Palpably elated!  I couldn’t jump into a chat with her, I did well saving her contacts, relishing in advance and rehearsing how the intro, body and conclusion of my discussion with her would look like.

If you were truly wondering; By Allah, there isn’t more to it except that she inspires me and often times, queries my laxity and insufficiency without speaking a word. It has always been through that piece that even updates me on Hijri date. I had a lot to learn right from the moment I set my eyes on her cognomen, even before I met her. I beseech Allah to be especially Merciful to this sister, make her an Apple of His eyes and that of her spouse and bless her wedlock with enough “‘Aishas” and “Affans”. Verily, there is always something new and evident as regards The Deen to anticipate every morning owing to Fajr Reminder. Its writer is today’s Bride: Sleek and Elegant; Classy and Charming; Umm Affan; My Already-Made Muse! 


  1. Awwww! May Allaah honour and honey you dear Ummu Zayd. By Allaah, I love you, I really do, for His sake.

    1. #smiles# Aameen. Love you more Sis! solely for His Sake too.

  2. This is really nice and immensely motivating.

  3. Awwwwn��.BarokaLlahu feehk

  4. Awwwwn��.BarokaLlahu feehk

