

THEY NOW HAVE 3! YOU STILL HAVE 24! - "Don’t waste this breath, if your heart isn’t crazy..."


Indeed, we hardly value anything until we are left with nothing. Come to think of it, even time! We may never value its worth or treat ourselves as being worthy enough to have enough time as we currently enjoy. In spite of this privilege, we still complain on hearing the cockcrow or the alarm sound at dawn, complaining we never had enough sleep. At work, we wish time could grow wings and be back at home in a jiff.

Ain't we indisputably spoilt that late in the evening, we wish we have more time so we could attend to other stuffs lying aimlessly somewhere, expecting us to be there? Nevertheless, most times, we often buy to the notion that time is not enough? Imagine! The one complaining of a slow day now hankers for a longer evening. As long as we are still humans, the fact is, our excuses, though not good enough will always be entertained by our undisciplined mindset.

Omar Khayyam says; “your hand can seize today, but not tomorrow; and thoughts of your tomorrow are nothing but desire. Don’t waste this breath, if your heart isn’t crazy, since “the rest of your life” won’t last forever”. It is so pathetic that after having a twin dozen hour to ourselves, we still end up leaving a chunk of this priceless and precious period underutilized and at times, unutilized.

If you still don't value the 24 hours you get for free, devoid of any fee, an expected or unprecedented restraint, perhaps, it's high time you had a rethink. A quick one, I suggest, because someone, somewhere does not have a say on how he spends his time. As much as he loves and wishes to practicalize time management, he just can't, because explosions could be heard at any time.

Prisoners are humans too but the government, through warders design their timetable whether they are pleased with it or not. Some are so unsafe that United Nations now plan their time on their behalf; they wish they were in your shoes! They know how valuable an hour is and would not mind being assured that there would be a ceasefire for one hour. There you are, squandering whooping hours when Syrians in Aleppo city now enjoy only 3 hours of assured peace and bomb less moments daily. Out of these 3 hours (between 10 am and 1 pm. local time), they would even want to take a peaceful nap, take their bath, receive aids and squeeze in other activities if time permits; at least peace is guaranteed during that three-hour period if the Russian troops stand by their words.

You have enough time now; must you fritter it away? My dear, get to work! Get yourself busied with something worth your nonrefundable time. Stop being idle! The Prophet of Islam, (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) in the hadith of Ibn Abbbas (radi Allahu anhu) says: “take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth, before you become old; and your health before you fall sick; and your riches, before you become poor; and your free time before you become busy; and your life before your death”.

Perhaps, you need to commence your rethink with a "Thank you God" phrase and after that, see yourself as not been better than others. It could be you! You know; having just 3 hours to call yours every day. They could be in your shoes too if God wills; Granting unto them a twenty-four hour daily liberty devoid of panic and grief. Out of your time though, remember those who have a limited one; in your prayers, on your social media pages, everywhere you are!
It is not too late, give God the gratitude for this opportunity and please, turn a new leaf.

Be Grateful! Be Useful and Be More Productive!
Remember: You still have 24 hours daily! Some have less!

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